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Blake Pamela
Blake Pamela
Blake Pamela
Aizenshtat Alexander
A. Aizenshtat emigrated to Israel from the Soviet Union as a young man. His religiousness and difficult life are clearly reflected in his paintings.
Aizenshtat Alexander
A. Aizenshtat emigrated to Israel from the Soviet Union as a young man. His religiousness and difficult life are clearly reflected in his paintings.
Blake Pamela
P.Blake, 1918-2004, lived in London and Chichester UK.
She mainly painted in the UK, Switzerland and France using oil and gouache.
Blake Pamelauntitled, 1980, 82x62.2cm, England/Switzerland, CHF 850 | Blake PamelaKrug mit Wiesenblumen, 1981, 72.8x65.1cm, England/Switzerland, CHF 650 |
Blake PamelaGelbe und weisse Narzissen, 1981, 71.9x66cm, England/Switzerland, CHF 650 | Blake PamelaKleines Blumenbild, 1979, 46.2x44.7cm, England/Switzerland, CHF 750 |
Blake PamelaStadtturm von Baden, 1976, 71.5x51.5cm, England/Switzerland, CHF 850 | Badener Altstadt, 1976, 71x51.5cm, England/Switzerland, CHF 850 |
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